Fat people need to exercise too!

I am 31 year old girl that lives in the California Bay Area. I live with my Husband of 10 years and our puppy. I am trying to lose weight and get in shape not just for my own well being but in time to fit into a normal sized dress at my sisters upcoming wedding. Need all the luck, support and advice I can get. :D
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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

360 Days to go!

Sorry for the not blogging yesterday. I was working all night on setting up my page on face book to sell my Tote bags.
Today was a great day. I had a light yogurt for breakfast. I had PB&J sandwiches’ for lunch and a bag of pretzels. For dinner we had pizza. After dinner we went for a bike ride. It was our first bike ride. When we get my Toto basket and streamers for my bike, I need to get a headlight.
Once we got to the shopping center, I went to Starbucks and got an iced tea, then we walked to the Fro Yo Shop and each got some frozen yogurt then rode back home. Sorry it isn’t much tonight. I am pooped!
Good Night!
Fat Girl Trying

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Happy Sunday night! 363 days to go!

So this morning, like every morning I woke up super early. But the difference today was that I woke up with a purpose! I was so inspired to get a dedicated on my side craft hobby thing. I make tote bags to sell at different craft shows and such. I haven’t been able to access them or any of my materials since Christmas. I know I will be laid off again soon, so any extra income we can get in is a good thing. But, yeah I am starting a web page to generate interest and show off what we have going into production and such.
So yea I woke up at 5:30. Watched some TV on Netflix. (I love having Netflix, it is the only thing that makes not having cable bearable). Then started to look around for something that I couldn’t find, so yeah Josh had these Stitch Prints that we need to get framed and I haven’t been able to find them. I tore the whole house apart looking for it and happened to be locked up in a cabinet. No wonder I couldn’t find it.
So after the great search, we got dressed and did the ride to star bucks again. Man it was harder today than it was yesterday. I had to stop and rest more today than yesterday. But once again after the star bucks, the ride back home was so much fun.
Once home, I spent most of the day cleaning up the spare room. Trying to get it all set up to store my inventory and such.
So the last inhabinent of that room left just random crap all around the place, so yeah I will be cleaning and find the most randomness’ stuff. (Some of which I wish I would have never have found)
So when I was almost done cleaning the room, josh made me stop. So I spent the rest of the night relaxing and enjoying the last of the weekend.
So I am gonna go to bed now. I am so sleepy and I am sincerely hoping that I can sleep until the alarm clock goes off at 6. 
Good night and TTFN

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Well 364 days left. Work Starts Now!

Sorry about the long break. I had family visiting (Hi Daddy!), My Birthday, other commitments and the month of August was just a nonstop month in which we had 0 down time.
Last week, I bought my first Bike. Let me rephrase that, I had a bike as a kid, but this is the first bike that I have ever bought with my own money. Since the purchase of my bike I have been a lot more active, although my knees and legs have been very rubbery for lack of a better word to describe the wobblieness of my legs.
I worked out every day this week except for yesterday, Last Saturday, I built my bike, went for a ride around the neighborhood, picked up Jet and went for a ride to the school to let him romp and play, rode back home and then did the car rally which is nothing but riding in the car till you get to a certain place then kinda act like you are in a Chinese fire drill looking for stuff then back in the car and away you go. Our Car won for the second year in a row, but I know already that I won’t be able to make next years because it will be a week before the wedding and I know my sister and mom will need me for stuff.
So then on Sunday I tried to bike to the Closest Starbucks which happens to be a mile away, I made it half way before my knees were killing me and not feeling good. So I rode about a mile round trip.
Monday, we decided to go to Black Diamond Mines out in my Home town of Antioch. I grew up a couple of miles away from the mines, but have only been there 3 times. This was my second time taking the tour. So to take the tour you have to do this crazy hike uphill to the entrance to the mines. It was very steep and zigzagged and kicked my butt and made me winded. I was so happy that josh and I didn’t do our bike ride like I wanted to that morning. If I did I would have been in worse shape.
Tuesday, I went for a ride as soon as I got back home. I just rode around the loop. Okay one thing I wish I would have known before I bought my bike. Apparently, my whole neighborhood is sloped up hill. I bought a 1 speed cruiser bike because I never got the knack of changing my gears. I didn’t know my neighborhood was so hilly! So when I do the loop I start going uphill, then ride the whole way down, then work my way back uphill to my house. Well anyone can tell you that downhill is the best part, so after I get back to my house, I keep going right past it, up to the top of the street again then ride downhill to my house. :D (Best Part!!!!!) Then afterword I made dinner
Wednesday, I did exactly the same as Tuesday. Except that Josh wasn’t feeling good in the middle of the night and woke me up. Poor guy he has this thing that when he throws up he also half the time passes out. He didn’t want that to happen while no one was awake, which I understand. But needless to say it made me exhausted on Thursday
Thursday, I did not want to take my ride. But my Team Lead told me that taking it would be better for me because it would give me energy and make me able to sleep through the night. Blah blah blah. (There you go Duane) Josh was making dinner and said that it would be done as soon as I got home, he was wrong, it had 15 minutes left so I changed my clothes and took my ride, and josh was feeling better. (He was sick like Monday afternoon till just yesterday) but after the loop decided that he wasn’t as well as he thought.
Yesterday, I didn’t do anything. As soon as I got home I started feeling sick and I believe I caught that beautiful little bug that Josh had. I had energy just couldn’t really leave the house. So I did laundry and played with jet, it wasn’t much but at least it was something.
But this morning when I woke up at the butt crack of dawn. I was full of piss and vinegar. I woke up at 4:30 and did laundry and waited for the sun to come. When it was finally light out, we all (Josh, Jet and I) got bundled up and ready to go. Today we made it all the way to Starbucks! I was so proud of me. The uphill part is all the way there and where I had to stop at last time was like the high point. It took a while for us to get there, probably 10 minutes, after we had our water and other drinks. (I had an Ice Tea and Josh had some juice,) we rode back. It was literally all downhill from there. We made it back home in about 5 minutes. It was so much fun. I peddled most of the way home to still work my legs out. Jet didn’t like going so fast on the way back. But he liked our pace uphill.
Once we got Home I was so much fuller of energy, I couldn’t sit still. I did more Laundry and played Wii Sports to work out my arms a little bit. And now I am writing my blog and then I am gonna take a shower and go to mom in laws house.

See ya tomorrow!
The Fat Girl Trying

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

i am so awesome

today was a great day! i had a bowl of fruit for breakfast and some chicken noodle soup for lunch. i also had a part of a side salad with vinagrette dressing. i dont normally like vinagrette, but it needed something and they didnt have ranch. for dinner we had bar be que and when it got back into the 70's, we went for a walk with jet. it was a good day.

have a great night!

Monday, June 28, 2010

still working hard

Sorry for the lack of blogging lately. I have been really busy and also been getting super tired due to the lack of caffeine or something. everything has been about the same. i am still eating healthy. I have been bringing snacks and yogurt and drinking my gallon of water everyday. Sorry this one is so short. i will blog more in depth tomorrow. i promise.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

day 16- I cant remember how many days i have been doing this

So to start off where i left off.

Last nights dinner was a panda bowl of honey walnut shrimp, OMG it was soo good, but after i started eating it started tasting different, i think just because i haven't been eating like that in the last two going on three weeks.

So today, i woke up early and packed my tinkerbell lunch box. (josh got it for me) with some fruit, a clif bar for breakfast, a clif bar for lunch, a sandwich bag of pretzels (the snack sized ones) and a lite strawberry yogurt.

for lunch, i ate my clif bar and went downstairs and got an organic chocolate milk pouch thing and a thing of strawberries.

when i got home i had some shrimp, a few grapes and a hard boiled egg.

dinner is red meat and grilled veggies and corn on the cob. :D

see ya tomorrow,

April AKA a fat girl trying

bring on week 3.


sorry its been a little while, this was a busy weekend. We went to see toy story 3 on Friday. it was so good. heather and I spent most of the movie crying. or else that is what it seemed like. i was really good on Friday. I had a cliff bar for breakfast, then had another one for lunch, along with some strawberries and a fat free chocolate milk. For dinner, we ate at this Asian place by the theatre. We had spring rolls, seafood wonton soup and my dinner was the grilled shrimp over rice. Since I have started this diet, i have tried eating new things, and i am starting to become less picky.

the movie theatre was another one of my many challenges. I usually get a soda and candy. so since i am dieting i got neither. I went to starbucks real quick and got an iced tea and sucked it down. josh got me popcorn while we were at the movies, but i had nothing to wash it down with and i always choke on the little kernel thingys.

after the movie, i was really emotionally drained. so i went to cold stone and got some low fat ice cream with nuts mixed in.

On Saturday, i started cleaning up the house. I cleaned up the living room, bath room and tackled most of our dishes. We went and did the grocery shopping and got so much fruit and melons and just healthy healthy stuff. i am so proud of us! i cant remember all that i ate. other than fruit and some shrimp.

On Sunday. I went for a walk/ jog. I started off jogging in my flip flops. that was a bad idea. i did just the half loop. then we went back to the grocery store for more fruit and fathers days presents for josh's dad and papa.

So my favorite new dessert, low cal and everything. i take some fruit, place it in a small bowl, put some low fat whipped cream on top. just a little bit. but it is really filling and good.

oh yeah, josh and i have started to keep hard boiled eggs in the fridge so some quick protein. i eat only the whites. i don't like the taste of the yolk. :P

so today it was a cliff bar for breakfast, another for lunch with a cup of strawberries and then a nature valley granola bar for my afternoon snack. I am about to get a diet coke. I am just so tired, i can barely keep my eyes open while i am typing this.

i got the worse nights sleep last night.

i don't know what's for dinner yet, but i know that Josh is cooking. :D

see ya tomorrow,

Fat Girl Trying

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Day 11- Today is a day for Lydia

Today is a good day. i just my breakfast calories by half. i had a cliff bar. it was good and full of protein and kept me full until about 10:30. For my morning snack I had a light strawberry yogurt with a little bit of left over granola from my jamba breakfast a few days ago.

today is a great day! i am just really looking forward to seeing Toy Story 3 tomorrow. Its gonna be great. My first time seeing an movie on the IMAX. and I have been waiting for this movie since i was like 20. I think the second one came out when i was married or engaged cant remember. that's how long i have been waiting for this movie. My sissy is gonna go with me too. we have seen like most of the Disney movies opening weekend since i can remember. I love her to pieces and haven't seen her in forever! we have a total system when we go to the movies. first we get there early so we can get a good seat, about middle high, on the aisle so we have easy bathroom access. :) when we go in groups we lay or stuff out and save our seats. then we wait for the trailers, my sister in particular loves to see what's coming to theatres next. so we both kinda guess if we didn't know it off the bat and i write them down in her movie trailer notebook. then we sit back and watch.

I think its funny that my mom couldn't stand any of the movies, but when we all went to Disneyland a few years ago, her favorite ride was Buzz Lightyear's Astro Blasters. I swear to god, she could have ridden that ride forever!

Okay so now it is lunch time. Todays lunch, on the limiting of my calories and making sure i eat healthier, my lunch was another cliff bar, the chocolate brownie. it was so good. i haven't had chocolate since before my diet started. i also had some fresh strawberries. I have a few more that i am going to save for my afternoon snack. also today, i am not going to get an iced tea. I am going to stick to my g2 and water.

So since i have sometime and since i finished my book. (it was so good, the dad did it.) I can write a little bit more before i have to go back to work.

So going back to Toy Story, I think its time for Toy Story Trivia!

here are some trivial facts that i think you might enjoy!

in toy story 1, when woody is telling the toys about getting a "moving buddy", the books behind him are names of pixar shorts

in toy story 2, when they are at the airport, that air port is modeled after good old Oakland International

in toy story 1, when buzz and woody are trapped in sids room and woody is stuck in the crate. the tool box on top is labeled as a binford (i thought was ha lar io us)

originally they wanted billy crystal to be the voice of buzz, but he said no thank you it wasn't ever to be big or something to talk about, obviously he was wrong, so when Pixar came knocking again about Monsters Inc, Billy signed on

They sold the idea of toy story to Tom hanks by showing the animation of woody synched up to lines from Turner and hooch

John Ratzenburger has been in every pixar movie. the only other actors to be in more than one pixar movie (as different characters) are Brad Garrett ( bloat, the puffer fish, finding nemo & Gusteau in Ratatoullie) and Michael Keaton (chick "thunder" hicks in Cars and Ken in Toy Story 3)

Now its time for some of my favorite lines

"your mocking me aren't you"

"you are a said strange little man"

"One minute you're defending the whole galaxy, and, suddenly, you find yourself sucking down Darjeeling with... Marie Antoinette and her little sister."

"Look, I'm Woody! Howdy, howdy, howdy!"

and the last one before i get back to work is

"I don't believe that man's ever been to medical school!"

Okay now on BART, sitting in the station for no apparnet reason. nevermind were moving now. I just ate another Clif bar while waiting for the train to show up.

This time it was white chocolate macadameia nut. I can really make these a part of my normal meals. Cheep, tastes good. is really filling and now i am not releying on caffeine to get my energy. (that totally reminded me of the office)

This just in: everyone on the other side of the train is asleep. (that totally reminded me of the muppet show)

I love the muppet show! i have the frist 3 seasons on DVD, They have done all sorts of songs with skits. My all time favorite is kermit singing "lydia Tattooed Lady"

Oh Lydia, oh Lydia, say, have you met Lydia?
Lydia The Tattooed Lady.
She has eyes that folks adore so,
and a torso even more so.
Lydia, oh Lydia, that encyclo-pidia.
Oh Lydia The Queen of Tattoo.
On her back is The Battle of Waterloo.
Beside it, The Wreck of the Hesperus too.
And proudly above waves the red, white, and blue.
You can learn a lot from Lydia!


She can give you a view of the world of tattoo,
if you step up and tell her where.
For a dime you can see Kankakee or Paree,
or Washington crossing The Delaware.


Oh Lydia, oh Lydia, say, have you met Lydia?
Lydia The Tattooed Lady.
When her muscles start relaxin',
up the hill comes Andrew Jackson.

Lydia, oh Lydia, that encyclo-pidia.
Oh Lydia The Champ of them all.
She once swept an Admiral clear off his feet.
The ships on her hips made his heart skip a beat.
And now the old boy's in command of the fleet,
for he went and married Lydia!

Every time i start to get depressed orjust get into a funk, I start singing this song and it boosts me back up. I love it so much. When I got my first tattoo, I sung it to myself replacing "Lydia" with "April", of course.

April oh April
Say Have you met April,
April the tattooed Lady
Shes has eyes that folks adore and her dimples even more so

That was for Josh, he loves my dimples. What can ya do?

Other songs I love from teh muppet show are "Time in a Bottle" and "Big Blue Frog"

Coinscently, Blue frog is one of my favorite restuarants. (It's named after the song)

Dinner Tonight: i dont know yet. But I am proud that I basically cut my callories in half compared to yesterday. Now we should start to see results.

Oh yeah my replacement phone came in. Yea! working phone! Its a referb but as long as the touch screen works I am a happy camper!
SO yeah, as lokg as I get to move my ringers and my pics over it will all be good.

i talked to my mom a lot today, i havent talked to her since she got back from Vegas. Shes doing okay they put her on a new med.

Trying to get her to diet with me. It was a no go, but cant blame me for trying.

Heres my stop.

Heres my facebook post from as soon i got my phone: "so freaking mad I could SCREAM! i F-ing hate ATT and all of thier BS. I will blog later after i calm down. am just so freaking mad. i cant transfer any of my ringtones or pics over to my replacement phone. I cant even access them to send them or whatever! UGH!!!!! I am drinking a soda and watching a movie! and eating pizza!"

Its true. Although it was a chicken pizza, not deep fried or red meat. i still feel bad. I also drank a full glass of dr. pepper. I dont drink, smoke or do drugs. Food is my only vice.

I ate one full peice then i picked the toppings off another 2 pieces, just the chicken. I was doing so good. it was a moment full on rage and weakness. it wont happen agian!

once agian it was hot until the sun went complelty down and i dont feel safe walking in the dark and josh is hogging the tv. I will get my walk tomorrow though when I walk from dublin BART to the movie theatre.

Please dont judge me to harshly, everyone falls down sometimes

A Fat girl Still trying

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

day 10- Wednesdays are worse than Mondays!


first i want to apologize for lack of work out activity in my blog lately, I haven't been motivated or i have been to busy with other stuff and haven't had the time to do what i needed to know. but i have noticed that i am in pain all the time like i was a couple of weeks ago. which is a major yea! Also, i am sorry for not writing while i am riding home at night. I have gotten really into my book and i haven't been getting a seat until like half way home and by then i don't want to pull out my journal. but i am trying to make a more conscious effort.

breakfast today was some fruit. cantaloupe, strawberry's and grapes. so yummy and I had 2 beagles as well, Josh got me hooked on G2. the fruit punch flavor. it has electrolytes and is way lower calories than the vitamin waters. i really like it and i get to count it as part of my water intake. I will be over halfway down with my water goal by the time i leave for lunch.

gotta get back to work

Okay so my cell phone deiced its touch screen wouldn't work anymore. it is so irritating! i called in the insurance on it and i should have a new one in the next two days! but i am stuck and screwed in eh mean time. and i just got done charging the stupid thing. freaking irony! lunch was me dealing with att and a salad with a piece of skinless chicken and the rest of my cantaloupe from this morning. I am just having a frustrated day! I am going to buy my tickets to toy story 3 imax in 3d. that will cheer me up and then i am going to do mindless paperwork for the rest of the afternoon. will be walking out my rage tonight!

It was too hot to walk, what the hey. never get a break. my mom was in the ER. She is okay, but just a sad time to not have my cell phone working. I found about everything when i got home for work. dinner is pasta with a high veggie sauce.

thats all for today!
-Fat Girl Trying

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Day 9 - Here we go agian

So today I over slept again. I stayed up to late watching big bang theory. I had the jamba juice chunky strawberry for breakfast. Today i am trying to different approach. I am only going to eat jamba for breakfast. then have an healthy alternative for lunch.

So this morning i got my cardio. We had a fire drill. it cracks me up that people didn't know where the stair well was. Here are the rules for working in a high rise building in California. always make sure you know were the stair well is. it is so important you know where to go. Preparation is always the key! okay so with this building during the drill you go down the stairs four floors. and once the drill is over, you go back via elevator. so much fun!

for my lunch i had a self made salad with a piece of bbq chicken. I got light ranch on the side but i didn't even need it. The chicken and the salad dry was perfect! I got it with garbanzo beans and kidney bean , broccoli, cauliflower, shredded carrots, mushrooms and sunflower seeds.

After that i got my iced tea from Starbucks. I am so proud of me only getting one a day while at work. once i get home i drink a glass with dinner, after that its just water. i am almost to my goal of a gallon for the day. only need 36 more oz. and i will have that buy the time i leave to go home.

Things I hate the smell of. I have to pass popeyes chicken (and their crazy Tuesday line) to get to starbucks. it smells so gross. i don't like it. the other thing is the Mexican restaurant that i have to walk by every time i walk out to go anywhere. i don't know what they are cooking or what the smell is, but i don't like it.

okay lunch is officially over gotta get back to work.

Sorry Have to do some overtime tonight. no walk. :( gonna do my dance game though before i go to bed. so at least i will do something

dinner is chicken stuff and rice.

gotta go!

Fat Girl Trying

Monday, June 14, 2010

Day 8 - Bring on Week Numbah 2

So it was hard to wake up today. After staying up so late on Saturday and falling asleep watching TV last night.

We just finished watching the whole complete series of FRIENDS. I really miss that show. Josh on the other hand, was ready to see it end. I love to marathon different shows to watch them in their entirety. It is so much fun specially when you don’t have cable. The next one up is the Big Bang theory. My sissy got me addicted to that show & Josh has never seen it. But, I am sure he will love it! Or else!

So breakfast was the chunky strawberry meal. I’m starting to get tired of Jamba for breakfast and lunch. Maybe I will wake up early & make my lunch. I doubt it but it would be nice.

I went to get my star bucks at around 10:30, it was gone by 10:34. I bought one of the insulated cups last week. It is awesome & I highly recommend it.

For lunch, now that I have tried every flavor, I went back to my favorite smoothie which is the orange dream machine. I got some extra granola on the side and attempted to make my own. Did not work out so good. But it was different & some what satisfying. But I am looking forward to a snack of shrimp and granola bar when I get home

Also hoping it will get cool tonight so I can walk, if I cant, I am going to do 3 songs from my wii game “just dance”. that game is lots of fun and gets your heart rate up.

Also, I noticed today that when I have something to look forward to at the end of the week. My attitude changes & I am happy.

Lunch break is over. Time to go back to work.

Now riding home on BART. This morning I was riding next to the smelliest guy ever! This afternoon is much better! J

I am like super hungry. I am wondering what were doing for dinner. Hmmmm

Okay things that I noticed today. Well this diet is seeming to work. I have to wait till Wednesday to get a scale and weigh in but today my pants kept falling down. So that’s a good (embarrassing) sign.

I think I want subway for dinner.

Okay talked to soon about the guy next to me. He’s a wiggler. L

So how’s it going now I am stuck on the track for a brief moment. Yea!

So tonight I am excited to start my big bang marathon. I totally love that show.
The whole universe was in a hot dense state blah blah blah started wait. Blah blah blah we built the pyramids, blah blah blah. It all started with a big bang. BANG!
I hope you enjoyed that. I did

My favorite character is Sheldon. He cracks me up.

I really want shrimp and grapes. I just realized I am not eating enough veggies. I love veggies mostly raw ones with light ranch or the light French onion dip. So delicious. The only veggies I don’t like is squash, cucumber and carrots. I loved carrots as a kid but when I eat them now my tongue gets really itchy and its not like I can scratch it.

Guy next to me update. He is snoring!

I love fruit, except tomatoes. I have my reasons but I don’t want to list them because they will seem childish.

Oh yeah, melons. I don’t know where they mesh between the veggie - fruit border, but I don’t like them except for cantaloupe. I love cantaloupe. *Insert homer Simpson drool here*

Now arriving at walnut creek. Only 3 more stops. I hope an empty seat opens up soon so I can stretch.
Good news a seat opened up, never mind. I was too slow. L oh well I can make it.

Today I feel full of energy. Its totally awesome. I am totally over my soda addiction. Yea!

Here’s another guy next to me update, he smells weird

Yea! I got to move!

I think I woke him up when I moved. Poor guy.

Another thing that I have noticed is that I am getting a great tam. Thank you Mexico for giving it it’s great start. I think all the walking and being outside all day yesterday helped.

I just passed my favorite aunt and uncles house. I waved but I don’t think they noticed . Its okay though.

Well summer is officially here, my allergies are now starting to bug me. I hate them, but they aren’t nearly as bad as my sissy’s.

I am running out of things to write about if you didn’t already notice. It seems windy outside. Hopefully it will be cool enough to walk jet. He was missing his walk yesterday. Poor little guy, but when its that hot already when I wake up with no breeze & the whole thing is not shaded. I don’t really dare.

Finally home. Will update with final dinner plan!

I had subway and some fro yo and were eating raw veggies for dessert,


-fat girl trying

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Day 7 - Thank you for standing by

Sorry it took me so long to blog about this weekend. We have had major Internet and connection issues. But it seems up to normal now, except for the xbox being a pain.

So yesterday morning I woke up at around 7. It was already so hot, but I still went for my walk. We had shrimp and grapes. So yummy and simple.

For morning snack, i Had the classic Pb&j. I have been finding that the problem with being home vs work is i have all this access to food that is bad for me. but i have been fighting temptation to the best of my abilities.

Lunch we had ham and cheese sandwich. that afternoon is when the Internet issues started and i was ready to pull out my hair!

Josh made chicken stir fry for dinner over rice, that man can cook anything. and I love him for it.

it was hot all day and all night so i wasn't even gonna bother to go for a walk.

we made plans to meet up with my mom and dad in law. we gonna meet earlier like around 10 but they had some complications and such so josh went to bed I met up with them around midnight.

Ev everything on the Denney's late night menu is fried! OMG did that suck. I got a strawberry milkshake because it was the only thing that i could eat. When i got back home it was almost 2 and i ended up staying up for another hour so i was up until 3.

I woke up today at 10. And thanks to the heat wave, and summer finally hitting the bay area, it was too hot for my walk again. breakfast was begles and more shrimp.

today was a real test. I went to my cousin Michelle's graduation (or as my neisen says Gradulation) party, the food looked really good. they had home made churros, chips, and bar with all sorts of concoctions.

For dinner they had home made fajitas. they are so good.

so know i am sitting under the aircondictor and just chilaxing. typing this and trying to figure out what i am gonna have as a snack.

good night all!

-Fat girl trying

Friday, June 11, 2010

Day Five- lets keep this party going

Today was a good day. less stressful than yesterday.

slept until the alarm clock went off. woke up and got ready for work. we stopped at starbucks on the way to the bart station and got a tall iced tea just to kick start my morning.

Got to work and dealt with all of the stuff that I have to deal with.

For breakfast I had the Jamba chunky strawberry for lunch the peach and mango. kinda tart to my tastes. I also had a handful of nuts for extra protien.

Then came home. just chilaxing and detoxing from work. hoping to take jet on a walk arround the whole loop latter this evening. Once it cools down.

sorry of the lack of all of the normal intresting stuff. Just to tired. Hope you can forgive me.

-Fat Girl Trying

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Day 4- the hardest day yet

Today was just a crappy day! I work up but didn’t have the energy to do my morning walk

Got to work, got my yummy Jamba breakfast. Today I got the chunky strawberry ideal meal. It was really good@ I would have never thought of adding peanut butter before. But it works and the end product is really, really yummy. It kinda tasted like a peanut butter and jelly smoothie. Weird, but good weird.

I work a kinda stressful job. it’s the most stressful job I have ever worked. (and that’s saying something) its so bad that my body aches all the over, all the time because of all the strain. Anyways, we had a meeting today with one of my many managers to discuss ways we can reduce the stress. By the end of that meeting I was more stressed than when I started. It added to it like truck loads. AAAGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!
After I was done with my meeting, I walked to Starbucks to get my Venti Shaken Iced Tea and took the time to de- fume.

For lunch, I went and got another Venti Iced Tea and a chunky strawberry ideal meal from Jamba. I also went ahead and got gift cards for both star bucks and Jamba Juice to kept with my access badge so they are always handy and I get to budget how much I am spending on lunch and breakfast each week. Pretty smart, no?

After lunch, the stress died down a little but. And by 3, I was completely run down. But, somehow I made it to 5

You can tell today was a bad day. I’m not writing about as much.

When I got to BART to go home all of the seats were taken except for the handicap ones. Which I hate sitting in, for starters, I feel that they should always be left open regardless of the capacity of the train, for their intended rider. Also, It is really hard to write when your body is leaning off to one side.

Okay now its time for some of April’s First’s. Today was the first time I was panhandled. Also, Today was the first time I saw protesters. They were picketing about Israel. Not exactly sure what that was al about anyways.

Sorry if I sound grumpy. Today is my breaking point. It just kept going from bad to worse. And, While I try to stay optimistic, I just want to give up. But I cant, Today is the halfway point for my first week. Things might look bad now, but they will get better. They have to don’t they? I believe anything is possible as long as you work hard and try! As long as I persevere, everything will be okay in the long run.

Now its time for shout outs. You all have do so much to encourage me and keep me going. So the first one goes out to “Techno Angel” for being my first official follower. You totally rock!
Next is Josh for keeping up with me & to Jet for pushing me when I don’t want to go
Amy, for your great words of encouragement
To Daddy and Katie for nudging me to blog
To anyone and everyone that reads this everyday. It really means a lot. And if I missed anyone I am sorry

I don’t know yet what we are doing for dinner. And to top things off I am dreading my walk tonight. Its just because I am so tired. But I gotta keep it up so I can get my manicure. (I know I wrote pedicure yesterday, but I had to switch because of this blister tha burst on my heal) But I cant wait. It gives me such an esteem boost and some feminine validation. Plus, its fun to be girly. J

For Dinner, we went to a sushi place. I am not one for the seafood, Except shrimp and lobster. I ordered some chicken teriyaki and rice. I even ordered some sushi and for the first time it wasn’t tempura. J I got an avocado roll. Getting over the taste of the seaweed was the hardest part. But I am still proud of me for trying to broaden my horizons and for trying new things.

When we got home, I ended up skipping my walk. It was my first time all week skipping it. I am just to tired.

And on that note, I am saying good night, see you tomorrow.

Your friend,

-The Fat Girl Trying

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Day Three and Why I love Granola!

I woke up this morning at 4:45. Courtesy of Jet who was in desperate need to go out.

I managed to stay awake and went to take my morning walk around 5:45. As I grabbed my wrist key chain, Jet came out from the bedroom and was anxious to go with me.

We walked the half loop in about 10 minutes. My neighborhood is so quiet and serine that time of day.

Once we got back home, I took a shower and got ready for work. On time and everything. J I was worried that taking the morning walk might make me late for my train. But, I was right on time.

I got to work 20 minutes early (thanks to the early train) and the first thing I did was get my Jamba breakfast. Still, So yummy! Once in the building I started filling up my water bottles and got started on my drinking. My goal is to drink 96 oz. of water a day. If I can make it, that’s a great day. (other than the needing to go pee every five minutes) By 10 this morning, I have already drunk 48oz, which is the halfway point. Yea me!!!!

Our work has a Brita faucet filtration system and this water cooler that goes with it. So when the jug is empty you can refill yourself using the Brita filter on your faucet. When I went to refill my water bottles, the jug was empty and it’s standard practice, if you were the last one to empty it, you get to fill it. So while waiting forever for the jug to fill, I started channeling my Chevron days and used that time to have a stretch break. For those of you that want to know what stretches I did, they are as follows: Flamingo, neck rolls, hands, washing machine and ankle rolls.

Also, during that little forever long break, I started thinking about some things. (Yes, I know what you are thinking. Its about TIME) :P

I think its really important to have and to set goals. And as part of such, once they have been met, you should get a reward.

So here is the list of my goals for my first month of this and the rewards that coincide.

For keeping it for one week: my reward is going to be a pedicure. (my toes and rest of my feet and gong to be very appreciative)

For keeping it up for two weeks: my reward is going to be a manicure. (yea! Full set)

For keeping it up for three weeks: The reward for this one was really hard to think up but I finally decided to make it a new bathing suit. I wear one (underneath my t-shirt and sweats) when I do my walks just so I don’t have to worry about stuff riding up or slouching down.

For keeping it up for four whole weeks (which also is known as a month, and just happens to coincide with my birthday. ) The reward is a new shirt and skirt for work. (Hopefully, a nice long one to cover my tattoo)

I also would just like to say Thanks for the compliments and letting me know that I’m inspiring you. While that was never my like, main reason or thought for doing this blog, I am happy to hear about it. Doing this blog is my inspiration to keep at it, try harder and to share about what obstacles or achievements we deal with every new day.

So Now its time for lunch. And I’m eating (as you guessed it) Jamba Juice Yumberry Topper. Still soooo gooood. I also went and got a Starbucks Shaken Iced Tea, Venti, Black. Yea for Iced Tea! But I have decided to limit myself to just 2 a day.

Also I have noticed as I am walking around City Center, (the one in Oakland not Las Vegas) & the building; that I am walking faster and really starting to hit my stride, which is awesome

I would like to take a sec to comment about some of the little things that I admire. Every Wednesday during summer, (not that it looks or feels like it) They have music playing in the middle of City Center. All of these people; special needs, seniors, kids and just everyone else just dancing. They didn’t care about who stared or gawked or what they thought. It was just inspiring in itself. But, the one thing I was struck by was this older lady doing all of the these like ball room dances to the ska music playing. She was so in tune with the music it was truly awe-some.

During the rest of the afternoon, I drank another 34 oz of water, Making my grand total: 120 oz!!!!! The only drawback from drinking so much water is the having to pee all the time.

I only drank the one Iced tea. I am limiting it to two a day. If I can.

Since this has started, I have started to look at my self differently. When I look at myself in the mirror, I am not looking at the big fat blobbyness that I am. I am still looking at my self, But I envision myself being wrapped up in that yellow caution tape and it says ‘work in progress’ all over it. I know I am going to make it, Its gonna take a lot of time, Patience and hard work to get there but I am not going to let myself give up and go back to my old unhealthy ways.

Tonight’s dinner is subway instead of our typical pizza night. Normally I get the sub club. But, that has roast beef on it (which is a red meat). L So I ordered it with extra ham instead of the roast beef. It was still good.

Oh Yeah, I don’t know if I mentioned this or not, but, I started to keep an actual hand written journal of all of this during the day. Then I type it and paste it into my blog at night when I get home. it’s a great way to pass the time on the BART train on my way home. (and I guess on the way the way to work too, but that would be pretty boring and pretty standard. “I woke up, went pee, got ready for work, got dropped off at the station, rode BART, got off in Oakland” BORING!) Not that this isn’t boring. I mean I know it is but I appreciate that you are still reading.

Tonight we had desert. First time since we started. We had low fat froyo. It was Hellas good. I got mine with fresh berries, nuts and granola. BTW, sunflower seeds on froyo is Amazingly good. Def. worth trying.

After dinner and froyo, we took our walk. I was kinda tired from the lack of caffeine and being up so early so it was a long slow walk. I taught Jet a new word to get him to stay focused and start walking. “yip yip” its from avatar. The good one, not the one with the blue people.

Now, I think it is time to Chilax. Have a glass of milk, post my blog, watch an episode of friends and then hit the hay.

Have a great Night,

Your friend,
-Fat Girl Trying

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Day Two!

First off, before I start rambling about what I ate or what I did today, I want to say "Thank You" to everyone for first off: reading this and second off: for all of the encouragement and support and good thoughts you have been sending my way. :0)

Okay so today I woke up early, fully intending to take Jet for a walk around the whole loop. I sat back in my chair, turned on the news and fell asleep. :( but I did do the extra walking at BART again. I walked straight to Jamba Juice and got the Yumberry Topper again. It is so good. I am in love with Jamba's Granola. I love the sunflower seeds and rice puff thingies. It tastes sooo goood.

Once at work, I walked the long way around the floor instead of shortcutting across. I drank all of my 96 oz of water before lunch. But, by lunch once again, I was so tired. I got my breakfast with the energy boost but it didn't seem to last long.

When I left for lunch I was so beat, I went walking around City Center looking for some place that would have a decent, unsweetened No Lemon!, Iced Tea. I ended up at Starbucks. It was so good! I sucked it down by the time I got to Jamba Juice for lunch and had once again the Yumberry Topper.

I was so energized for the rest of the afternoon. It was great! At 3, I went to Starbucks again with one of my Co-Workers and ran into one of my old co-workers. Small world! :)

When I left work, I walked all the way down to the last car for the train home. Then walked all the way to the other side of the Station once I got to North Concord. Then when we got home I took the car and went to Vote. Then, ran to the grocery store for some necessities and healthy snacks.

For dinner, we had lasagna and french bread. I broke the diet on the red meat thing, but it was what we had and it had to be eaten.

In a little bit, I am going to walk the puppy and maybe the hubby too. hoping to do the full loop.

I feel like I am wide awake but I don't feel like I have the energy to go with it yet. But I am working on it.

I will keep you all posted,

As always thanks for your support,
-A Fat Girl Trying

P.S. Jet demanded that we go for a walk as soon as I was done typing this. We did the whole loop in about 14 minutes. Jet and I kept the pace pretty quick and for the very last leg, I power walked.

Monday, June 7, 2010

One Day Down, 491 To Go!

So I made it. Yea!!! I had a healthy lunch from jamba juice and some raw nuts. I mostly focusing on making sure I had lots of proteins. I only drank water and I am tired. I feel good, but I am beat! I walked the long way around the BART station on my home.

For dinner Josh made pork chops and potatoes and rice. Very Yummy! Then we went for a whole walk around the loop.

Sorry this isn't more informative and funny. Time to go to bed!

See ya in the AM!

-(tired) Fat Girl Trying

Day 1 - Morning

No walk this morning. I tried, but I was just too tired. Instead I did walk the long way to get to the BART platform, walked up the stairs when i got to my station and then up to street level.

Today's breakfast is fresh strawberries and a vitamin water with a smart water chaser.

So far not missing the caffeine from my soda, however as a precaution, I did warn my Co-Worker that I am drinking soda. I need to find a place around here with a decent unsweetened Iced Tea.

That's all for this morning, Keep posted for more this afternoon.

- Fat Girl Trying

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Getting ready for day one

So tomorrow is the beginning of my new way of life. I am 30 about to celebrate my 31st birthday and I am tried of being the fat girl that people judge on site.

I work in Oakland and have to ride BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) and there is some sort of sickness people are afraid of catching if they sit next to me. I call it "Imgonnagetfatitis" the symptoms are looking me up and down in disgust, then the irrational fear that the cellulite on my body is going to jump on to theirs. The symptoms also include huffing and trying to scoot all the way to the edge of seat to avoid sitting absolutely next to me. Yeah, that doesn't make me or you feel awkward at all.

I have a great and supporting husband that always stands by my side and supports me in what ever screwball thing i do or think about doing. (wow that's a run on on sentence.) We have been married for over ten years and have had a great time. We don't have any children yet, but we do have a spoiled toy poodle named jet.

My whole life it seems that i have been over weight and somehow I always thought it was okay because my parents were. My mom has been overweight since the birth of my sister and dad was for a while but smoking seemed to help him along in his weight loss.

Jet demands cuddling (that's the toy poodle) sorry for the interruption

So why now? First, I got tired of looking at pictures of my husband and I. I would just look at this nice looking guy and the fat lady next to him. I would get disgusted at that. That would make me depressed. And when I get depressed and stressed, I eat. Which adds to the weight and the wicked circle begins again.

Second, I am officially entering my thirties and need to change my lifestyle and bad habits. I am too old to be eating and lazing about like I am still a teenager.

and Third, my little sister is about to get married next year and I am not gonna be the fat girl that people are going to stare at instead of the lovely bride and handsome groom.

That is my main deadline. I have 462 days to lose the weight.

Currently I weigh 370. I wear a size 26 in clothes. According to a website I was looking at it said for my height and body frame, my ideal weight is 224 pounds. Which would get me down to about a size 18. (Which I haven't been since Jr. High.)

So here's the deal, for the next two weeks: no soda, no fried food, less snacking, counting calories, no sneaking and no snacking and junk food, and lastly no red meat.

I am going to keep a mostly up to date blog of everything I am doing or did and just the little musings of a fat girl trying.