Fat people need to exercise too!

I am 31 year old girl that lives in the California Bay Area. I live with my Husband of 10 years and our puppy. I am trying to lose weight and get in shape not just for my own well being but in time to fit into a normal sized dress at my sisters upcoming wedding. Need all the luck, support and advice I can get. :D
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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

360 Days to go!

Sorry for the not blogging yesterday. I was working all night on setting up my page on face book to sell my Tote bags.
Today was a great day. I had a light yogurt for breakfast. I had PB&J sandwiches’ for lunch and a bag of pretzels. For dinner we had pizza. After dinner we went for a bike ride. It was our first bike ride. When we get my Toto basket and streamers for my bike, I need to get a headlight.
Once we got to the shopping center, I went to Starbucks and got an iced tea, then we walked to the Fro Yo Shop and each got some frozen yogurt then rode back home. Sorry it isn’t much tonight. I am pooped!
Good Night!
Fat Girl Trying

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Happy Sunday night! 363 days to go!

So this morning, like every morning I woke up super early. But the difference today was that I woke up with a purpose! I was so inspired to get a dedicated on my side craft hobby thing. I make tote bags to sell at different craft shows and such. I haven’t been able to access them or any of my materials since Christmas. I know I will be laid off again soon, so any extra income we can get in is a good thing. But, yeah I am starting a web page to generate interest and show off what we have going into production and such.
So yea I woke up at 5:30. Watched some TV on Netflix. (I love having Netflix, it is the only thing that makes not having cable bearable). Then started to look around for something that I couldn’t find, so yeah Josh had these Stitch Prints that we need to get framed and I haven’t been able to find them. I tore the whole house apart looking for it and happened to be locked up in a cabinet. No wonder I couldn’t find it.
So after the great search, we got dressed and did the ride to star bucks again. Man it was harder today than it was yesterday. I had to stop and rest more today than yesterday. But once again after the star bucks, the ride back home was so much fun.
Once home, I spent most of the day cleaning up the spare room. Trying to get it all set up to store my inventory and such.
So the last inhabinent of that room left just random crap all around the place, so yeah I will be cleaning and find the most randomness’ stuff. (Some of which I wish I would have never have found)
So when I was almost done cleaning the room, josh made me stop. So I spent the rest of the night relaxing and enjoying the last of the weekend.
So I am gonna go to bed now. I am so sleepy and I am sincerely hoping that I can sleep until the alarm clock goes off at 6. 
Good night and TTFN

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Well 364 days left. Work Starts Now!

Sorry about the long break. I had family visiting (Hi Daddy!), My Birthday, other commitments and the month of August was just a nonstop month in which we had 0 down time.
Last week, I bought my first Bike. Let me rephrase that, I had a bike as a kid, but this is the first bike that I have ever bought with my own money. Since the purchase of my bike I have been a lot more active, although my knees and legs have been very rubbery for lack of a better word to describe the wobblieness of my legs.
I worked out every day this week except for yesterday, Last Saturday, I built my bike, went for a ride around the neighborhood, picked up Jet and went for a ride to the school to let him romp and play, rode back home and then did the car rally which is nothing but riding in the car till you get to a certain place then kinda act like you are in a Chinese fire drill looking for stuff then back in the car and away you go. Our Car won for the second year in a row, but I know already that I won’t be able to make next years because it will be a week before the wedding and I know my sister and mom will need me for stuff.
So then on Sunday I tried to bike to the Closest Starbucks which happens to be a mile away, I made it half way before my knees were killing me and not feeling good. So I rode about a mile round trip.
Monday, we decided to go to Black Diamond Mines out in my Home town of Antioch. I grew up a couple of miles away from the mines, but have only been there 3 times. This was my second time taking the tour. So to take the tour you have to do this crazy hike uphill to the entrance to the mines. It was very steep and zigzagged and kicked my butt and made me winded. I was so happy that josh and I didn’t do our bike ride like I wanted to that morning. If I did I would have been in worse shape.
Tuesday, I went for a ride as soon as I got back home. I just rode around the loop. Okay one thing I wish I would have known before I bought my bike. Apparently, my whole neighborhood is sloped up hill. I bought a 1 speed cruiser bike because I never got the knack of changing my gears. I didn’t know my neighborhood was so hilly! So when I do the loop I start going uphill, then ride the whole way down, then work my way back uphill to my house. Well anyone can tell you that downhill is the best part, so after I get back to my house, I keep going right past it, up to the top of the street again then ride downhill to my house. :D (Best Part!!!!!) Then afterword I made dinner
Wednesday, I did exactly the same as Tuesday. Except that Josh wasn’t feeling good in the middle of the night and woke me up. Poor guy he has this thing that when he throws up he also half the time passes out. He didn’t want that to happen while no one was awake, which I understand. But needless to say it made me exhausted on Thursday
Thursday, I did not want to take my ride. But my Team Lead told me that taking it would be better for me because it would give me energy and make me able to sleep through the night. Blah blah blah. (There you go Duane) Josh was making dinner and said that it would be done as soon as I got home, he was wrong, it had 15 minutes left so I changed my clothes and took my ride, and josh was feeling better. (He was sick like Monday afternoon till just yesterday) but after the loop decided that he wasn’t as well as he thought.
Yesterday, I didn’t do anything. As soon as I got home I started feeling sick and I believe I caught that beautiful little bug that Josh had. I had energy just couldn’t really leave the house. So I did laundry and played with jet, it wasn’t much but at least it was something.
But this morning when I woke up at the butt crack of dawn. I was full of piss and vinegar. I woke up at 4:30 and did laundry and waited for the sun to come. When it was finally light out, we all (Josh, Jet and I) got bundled up and ready to go. Today we made it all the way to Starbucks! I was so proud of me. The uphill part is all the way there and where I had to stop at last time was like the high point. It took a while for us to get there, probably 10 minutes, after we had our water and other drinks. (I had an Ice Tea and Josh had some juice,) we rode back. It was literally all downhill from there. We made it back home in about 5 minutes. It was so much fun. I peddled most of the way home to still work my legs out. Jet didn’t like going so fast on the way back. But he liked our pace uphill.
Once we got Home I was so much fuller of energy, I couldn’t sit still. I did more Laundry and played Wii Sports to work out my arms a little bit. And now I am writing my blog and then I am gonna take a shower and go to mom in laws house.

See ya tomorrow!
The Fat Girl Trying