Fat people need to exercise too!

I am 31 year old girl that lives in the California Bay Area. I live with my Husband of 10 years and our puppy. I am trying to lose weight and get in shape not just for my own well being but in time to fit into a normal sized dress at my sisters upcoming wedding. Need all the luck, support and advice I can get. :D
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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

bring on week 3.


sorry its been a little while, this was a busy weekend. We went to see toy story 3 on Friday. it was so good. heather and I spent most of the movie crying. or else that is what it seemed like. i was really good on Friday. I had a cliff bar for breakfast, then had another one for lunch, along with some strawberries and a fat free chocolate milk. For dinner, we ate at this Asian place by the theatre. We had spring rolls, seafood wonton soup and my dinner was the grilled shrimp over rice. Since I have started this diet, i have tried eating new things, and i am starting to become less picky.

the movie theatre was another one of my many challenges. I usually get a soda and candy. so since i am dieting i got neither. I went to starbucks real quick and got an iced tea and sucked it down. josh got me popcorn while we were at the movies, but i had nothing to wash it down with and i always choke on the little kernel thingys.

after the movie, i was really emotionally drained. so i went to cold stone and got some low fat ice cream with nuts mixed in.

On Saturday, i started cleaning up the house. I cleaned up the living room, bath room and tackled most of our dishes. We went and did the grocery shopping and got so much fruit and melons and just healthy healthy stuff. i am so proud of us! i cant remember all that i ate. other than fruit and some shrimp.

On Sunday. I went for a walk/ jog. I started off jogging in my flip flops. that was a bad idea. i did just the half loop. then we went back to the grocery store for more fruit and fathers days presents for josh's dad and papa.

So my favorite new dessert, low cal and everything. i take some fruit, place it in a small bowl, put some low fat whipped cream on top. just a little bit. but it is really filling and good.

oh yeah, josh and i have started to keep hard boiled eggs in the fridge so some quick protein. i eat only the whites. i don't like the taste of the yolk. :P

so today it was a cliff bar for breakfast, another for lunch with a cup of strawberries and then a nature valley granola bar for my afternoon snack. I am about to get a diet coke. I am just so tired, i can barely keep my eyes open while i am typing this.

i got the worse nights sleep last night.

i don't know what's for dinner yet, but i know that Josh is cooking. :D

see ya tomorrow,

Fat Girl Trying

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