Fat people need to exercise too!

I am 31 year old girl that lives in the California Bay Area. I live with my Husband of 10 years and our puppy. I am trying to lose weight and get in shape not just for my own well being but in time to fit into a normal sized dress at my sisters upcoming wedding. Need all the luck, support and advice I can get. :D
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Monday, June 14, 2010

Day 8 - Bring on Week Numbah 2

So it was hard to wake up today. After staying up so late on Saturday and falling asleep watching TV last night.

We just finished watching the whole complete series of FRIENDS. I really miss that show. Josh on the other hand, was ready to see it end. I love to marathon different shows to watch them in their entirety. It is so much fun specially when you don’t have cable. The next one up is the Big Bang theory. My sissy got me addicted to that show & Josh has never seen it. But, I am sure he will love it! Or else!

So breakfast was the chunky strawberry meal. I’m starting to get tired of Jamba for breakfast and lunch. Maybe I will wake up early & make my lunch. I doubt it but it would be nice.

I went to get my star bucks at around 10:30, it was gone by 10:34. I bought one of the insulated cups last week. It is awesome & I highly recommend it.

For lunch, now that I have tried every flavor, I went back to my favorite smoothie which is the orange dream machine. I got some extra granola on the side and attempted to make my own. Did not work out so good. But it was different & some what satisfying. But I am looking forward to a snack of shrimp and granola bar when I get home

Also hoping it will get cool tonight so I can walk, if I cant, I am going to do 3 songs from my wii game “just dance”. that game is lots of fun and gets your heart rate up.

Also, I noticed today that when I have something to look forward to at the end of the week. My attitude changes & I am happy.

Lunch break is over. Time to go back to work.

Now riding home on BART. This morning I was riding next to the smelliest guy ever! This afternoon is much better! J

I am like super hungry. I am wondering what were doing for dinner. Hmmmm

Okay things that I noticed today. Well this diet is seeming to work. I have to wait till Wednesday to get a scale and weigh in but today my pants kept falling down. So that’s a good (embarrassing) sign.

I think I want subway for dinner.

Okay talked to soon about the guy next to me. He’s a wiggler. L

So how’s it going now I am stuck on the track for a brief moment. Yea!

So tonight I am excited to start my big bang marathon. I totally love that show.
The whole universe was in a hot dense state blah blah blah started wait. Blah blah blah we built the pyramids, blah blah blah. It all started with a big bang. BANG!
I hope you enjoyed that. I did

My favorite character is Sheldon. He cracks me up.

I really want shrimp and grapes. I just realized I am not eating enough veggies. I love veggies mostly raw ones with light ranch or the light French onion dip. So delicious. The only veggies I don’t like is squash, cucumber and carrots. I loved carrots as a kid but when I eat them now my tongue gets really itchy and its not like I can scratch it.

Guy next to me update. He is snoring!

I love fruit, except tomatoes. I have my reasons but I don’t want to list them because they will seem childish.

Oh yeah, melons. I don’t know where they mesh between the veggie - fruit border, but I don’t like them except for cantaloupe. I love cantaloupe. *Insert homer Simpson drool here*

Now arriving at walnut creek. Only 3 more stops. I hope an empty seat opens up soon so I can stretch.
Good news a seat opened up, never mind. I was too slow. L oh well I can make it.

Today I feel full of energy. Its totally awesome. I am totally over my soda addiction. Yea!

Here’s another guy next to me update, he smells weird

Yea! I got to move!

I think I woke him up when I moved. Poor guy.

Another thing that I have noticed is that I am getting a great tam. Thank you Mexico for giving it it’s great start. I think all the walking and being outside all day yesterday helped.

I just passed my favorite aunt and uncles house. I waved but I don’t think they noticed . Its okay though.

Well summer is officially here, my allergies are now starting to bug me. I hate them, but they aren’t nearly as bad as my sissy’s.

I am running out of things to write about if you didn’t already notice. It seems windy outside. Hopefully it will be cool enough to walk jet. He was missing his walk yesterday. Poor little guy, but when its that hot already when I wake up with no breeze & the whole thing is not shaded. I don’t really dare.

Finally home. Will update with final dinner plan!

I had subway and some fro yo and were eating raw veggies for dessert,


-fat girl trying

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