Fat people need to exercise too!

I am 31 year old girl that lives in the California Bay Area. I live with my Husband of 10 years and our puppy. I am trying to lose weight and get in shape not just for my own well being but in time to fit into a normal sized dress at my sisters upcoming wedding. Need all the luck, support and advice I can get. :D
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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

So here we are, 2 days in a row, Woo hoo!

So I guess yesterday when I said that, there was some sort of rule or universal law against me sleeping in past 5:30, thought it was hilarious because today I woke up at 5. WTF?

So I cut up a left over half of cantelope to take with me to work as my morning snack. Defrosted some shrimp as my metabolic starter and then sat back and relaxed for about an hour til it was time to get ready for work.

I once again packed my lunch, todays lunch was the leftover salad I had made with 2 tbs of ranch kept in a separate container. (because I didn’t want my salad to get soggy) and about 2 handfuls of baby carrots.

I wish I had some chicken left over from yesterday. It was so good. I used one of our brand new stainless steel pans and put about 2 tbs of oil on the bottom the pan, grabed two pieces of chicken, rubbed them in the oil, then lightly seasoned them with fresh cracked pepper, garlic salt, parsely, lemon peper, a hint of basil, celery salt, a dash of garlic powder and some celery flakes and plain old seasoning salt. It wasn’t over seasoned at all and everything complemented each other very well. I also cut an avocado into slices and shared with my hubby. We also made some rice because we thought that wouldn’t be enough to fill both of us, but we were wrong. What I did with my dinner was have a plate of salad with the avocado on top then I took a small bowl, filled it up with rice, sliced my chicken and put it on top and then poured some of the oil from the pan on top, just about 1 tbs worth to make sure I get my 2 tbs a day. (according to weight watchers, you should consume 2 tbs of any type of oil (not like deep fried oil) a day to help you digest easily and to prevent any um bathroom issues) any ways it was very good. Josh deciede what he was gonna do was use a high fiber wrap, place the salad on it, he also shreaded his chicken, then put the avocado on it and then he put his blue cheese salad dressing on it, wrapped it up and ate it, he had a small bowl or rice also, but his was plain.

One of my hubbys favorite snacks is the high fiber wraps, some bag salad mix, some salsa and then he wraps it and eats it. To him it is very yummy, to me, not so much. I hate tomattos. Cant stand them, had a very tramadic experience when I was a little kid and haven’t had them since if I can help it. Don’t get me wrong, I love pasta sauce, ketchup pretty much any byproduct, but not raw, not salsa and not in chunks on top of my pizza!

So tonight is going to be a test of the april dieting system. I need to go out to Antioch to do my taxes tonight, normally when I do I go to my moms and have dinner or we pickup dinner on our way back home. This will be my first test with the fast food since I started dieting again. We shall see how it turns out and I will keep you posted. My lunch break is officially over so I gotta get back to work. I will update when I get home.

Dinner was good. I ended up getting panda express. honey walnut shrimp and rice. so yummy.

Sorry about the delay, I feel asleep as soon as i got home. :(

thanks for reading,
-the fat girl trying

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