Fat people need to exercise too!

I am 31 year old girl that lives in the California Bay Area. I live with my Husband of 10 years and our puppy. I am trying to lose weight and get in shape not just for my own well being but in time to fit into a normal sized dress at my sisters upcoming wedding. Need all the luck, support and advice I can get. :D
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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 4 and having the crapiest day!

So here we are again.

Today woke up at 5 again. Man I hate this little habit.

Didn’t do crap, I grabbed a yogurt for breakfast and a couple of apples and some peanut butter for my snacks.

Work isn’t going that well today, normally I love my job, today it’s not so fun. I made an error yesterday and instead of telling me privately, one of my 3 PM’s (project managers) decided to hold a meeting and bring it up in front of god and everybody. I mean crap, nice way to treat people. If someone makes an error and I notice it, before I jump on my soapbox, I email them to make sure what I am seeing is correct. If it isn’t then I’ll try and figure stuff out and try and fix it. It just upsets me a little bit, but I think most of that is just from simple sleep deprivation!

Today’s lunch was chicken mole’ soup, (mole’,mole’,mole’) and a small salad.

I am so freaking tired. Oh yeah I weighed myself this morning, (another reason I am having a crappy day) I currently weigh 383. So I need to get down to 373 for my goal of losing 10 pounds this month.

Which is not impossible, I plan on going for bike rides this weekend (and not passing out, like Sunday) and I have been eating so much healthier. I am having a salad at least once a day (or a form of veggies) eating mostly poultry

Okay so now I am mad. There was free food in the lunch room including salad and pasta. But I was good and only grabbed a cookie :D (old habits die hard) oh and a diet dr pepper. Like I said. Old habbits

And my new glasses were supposed to be in today and they were delayed again so I wont get them until probably Saturday.

Oh well

Well im starting to feel better now, sometimes you just have to talk shit out. Ya know.

dinner was lasanga and i didnt eat that much of it. my husband was hit by a car on his bike ride home from work. now i am just so worried about everything that happened there is no way i will be able to sleep tonight.

i will keep you posted
=the fat girl trying

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